Thursday, December 22, 2011

How to Attract More Blessings Into Your Life

Okay to start with, it seemed like the title promises to tell you the exact steps on how to attract blessings into your life. Such thing doesn’t exist. If there is though, I don’t think I am the best person to talk about it. I may not be as blessed as the famous billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg but I know my blessings are beyond the counting power of my brain. Besides, a person’ ways of achieving something in life could not be applicable by another. Behind those different steps, there are a lot of common things worth learning. Here, I scribbled 3 of the things I believe most helpful values to apply to our lives.

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How to Attract More Blessings Into Your Life

The Curse of Being the President of the Philippine Republic - Part 1

Curse runs in the blood of those who became the president of Philippine Republic. Pardon my use of words. In the midst of viral news about the chaotic administration, I overheard an officemate saying “there’s a bad karma in being a president.” In silence I thought he was right. Let me explain why I think the Philippine presidents are doomed with fateful curse.

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The Curse of Being the President of the Philippine Republic - Part 1

The Curse of Being the President of the Philippine Republic - Part 2

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to Make Your Christmas More Meaningful

Christmas season during this technology-dependent era is intended for people to enjoy and have party. The church would always remind us that it is not the real purpose of Christmas. It’s about the birth of Christ transcended into love. Everybody knows about it. Sad to say, we never ran out of reasons to ignore it.

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How to Make Your Christmas More Meaningful

Monday, December 19, 2011

Real Essence of Christmas, are They Obsolete?

Since childhood, I always hear these things as the real essence of Christmas. When December is approaching, I would always look forward to see people smiling, shaking hands with each other, visiting each other’s houses and having caroling. I remember my grandmother telling us to stop fighting for the reason that it’s Christmas. It made me very cautious not to have fight with my siblings until the end of January. I don’t think those things our old folks told before us are still applicable these days. Here are 5 of them:

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Real Essence of Christmas, are They Obsolete?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Different Eyes, Different Sights

I liked it. I told myself after seeing my stain art. I didn’t even have to convince myself to like it. One look and I liked what I saw.

A month ago, I was part of a facilitating team for a camp activity. The day before the big day, I spent time digging in my cabinet looking for something to wear. Then I found my boring indigo short pants, which I haven’t touched for months already. It used to be my favorite when going out with friends.

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Different Eyes, Different Sights

YouSayToo Revenue Sharing Community

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tax, Why are You Such a Burden?

It is December. It means not only Christmas celebrations, parties and vacations but also big tax deductions.

Since it is the last month of the year, it is expected that everyone especially those who are employed would receive their bonuses and extra compensations. It sounds like a lot of money, right? That was my impression before. Every time I heard my teachers complaining about their payrolls every December. I thought they were only being greedy. Now, it turns out I am the ones blubbering about what I saw on my pay slip. The world really is round!

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Tax, Why are You Such a Burden?

YouSayToo Revenue Sharing Community

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to Think Like Da Vinci

Michael J. Gelb’s bestseller “How to think like Leonardo da Vinci” teaches some excises to explore the full capacity of our brain. It includes the seven principles namely curiosita, dimostrazione, sensazione, sfumato, arte/scienza, corporalita and connesione. The main purpose of all these principles does not only develop the intellectual side of a person but the holistic side as well. For example, arte/scienza is the development of the balance of science and art, logic and imagination. Studies show that creative or imaginative people utilize more of the right side of their brain, thus often referred to as right-brainers. Whereas those people relying mostly on their logical and scientific reasoning are referred to as left-brainers. As explained by the author, the balance of the both left and right brain could be developed using “mind-mapping method”. Mind mapping encourages spreading the ideas one-by-one graphically so that scattered thoughts would later be corrected. This method helps one to be a balanced thinker because it draws out not only the person’s creative strengths but the analytical abilities as well. Arte/scienza is thus called the “whole-brain” thinking.

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Evolution of Books

As man evolved from apes, books also come from something else.

Books were invented for one to transmit and conserve important information. History shows that before the existence of books, there were other means of preserving information.  In China fro example, they use brushes for writing and silk as a base instead of paper. Other materials uses as bases were bones, bronze, pottery, shells, dried leaves, etc. And the very first medium of writing as resemblance to books was a piece of wood.

In the ancient Iraq (former Mesopotamia), they use clay tablets, where preserved information were printed on its surface while it was first moist.

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Enjoy Pain

Enjoying life can be a little tricky depending on personal views of what life is all about.
We often claim life to be enjoyable only at times we experience spectacular moments. We appreciate life at times we come to visit beautiful places. When we the see magnificent view of Niagara Falls, the Grand Cannon, or even in the local sunset of Manila Bay, we exclaim “What a wonderful World!”

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Immigration and America

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants from around the world come to the United States every year. Some immigrants both legal and illegal come for a better living. Others come because of the civil wars in their home country. Many people believe United States is the best place to go. They believe to enjoy freedom, protection and other benefits for the immigrants in the country. However, there are consequences arising due to the increase in number of immigrants in the United States.

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Knossos Palace and Mycenaean Citadel

Knossos palace has a complex but interesting layout.[1] Its confusing mazelike structure was built intended to elaborate both its religious and magical significance during the ancient Roman period. There were more than 1000 compartments scattered in the whole palace and each of which were designated for certain functional purposes. All those rooms of varying sizes are directly connected to the main hallways. In the palace, there were one big theatre; several store rooms containing containers of grains, beans, dried fish and other basic necessities.

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Renaissance Equestrian Portraits and Humanism

The Renaissance equestrian portraits depict human figure riding on a horse. Historians said that, this type of painting was made known between the early 15th and mid 16th century. This particular form of artistry was mostly attached to the famous people having diplomatic status in the community. As author King, M.L. mentioned, it is “a particular genre of portraiture which is the representation of heroic figures on horseback. Like the portrait itself, this looks back to ancient depictions of mounted generals and emperors.”

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Kelly Clarkson’s My December Tour Concert

Kelly Clarkson, the first winner of FOX’s American idol in 2002 had a series of concerts named My December Tour. When the show was about to start, there was an abrupt silence among the audience. The curtain revealed what seemed like a real portrait of her My December album cover. People began to applaud when they started to realize who was sitting with a bulky red gown amid the tree-decorated stage.

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Convergence: A Contemporary Art by Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock’s “Convergence” is an example of innovative development in the history of arts especially in painting. According to the definition in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, art is a free execution of ones personal, unfathomable creative power. Art comes in many forms; it could be in writing, music, sculpture, painting, and many others. While painting as a form of art according to the Webster dictionary is any work in which objects are represented in color on a flat surface. It is basically a product of putting colors in a way that it demands attachment with the senses and emotions.

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Contemporary Arts Have Rooms for Literature

Literature has been reinvented through time. From the more formal structure, it has evolved into a new form of contemporary expression by the modern-day artists. This particular form of literature is writing. In general, writing is a method of putting ideas or information into a visual form of language called words. There are different varieties of writing literature and each has its distinct style. Some examples are essays, fiction, epic, poetry, etc.

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Mistakes Pilots Make

Aviation education especially on safety is an important consideration for pilots. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), pilots lose 80% of their gained knowledge within six months. Though, they are knowledgeable enough to take charge of their job responsibilities, they still have to refresh what they have previously learned by attending some seminars. By attending the required conferences or seminars, they would be able to retain their basic knowledge regarding their expertise.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Amazing Online Money Making Experience

Sometimes online money making can seem a bit farfetched especially for newbie. What I mean newbie are those who just recently decided to convert their online wandering (Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites) to money making ventures. Maybe I’m a little above the newbie status now. I’ve been doing this for more than five years now. I can’t consider it as my source of income though. My online income is quite good but not great. Honestly, I still get awed every time I get paid for my online stuff. I have other activities that demand more of my time so I couldn’t afford to make money online in its full blast.

My prior intentions are to share some things that I enjoy doing and to simply have fun. If sharing passion online corresponds to some monetary values, then that would be an added compensation to having fun.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hurray Nostradamus the Poet, Boo the Prophet

No one would have thought a once simple boy born from St. Remy, France, Michael de Notredame, most commonly known as Nostradamus became famous. Lots of scholars, experts and critics from different places (ranging from his own hometown to anywhere else in the world) have cited his famous book “Centuries” as perfect predictions of events. Nostradamus was brilliant because his works have continued to win curiosity even centuries after his death. However, he was far from being a prophet.

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The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners

Marketing communication is a management process that enables and facilitates a dialogue among costumers. It involves so many factors such as social relationship, religion, etc. This makes it a complex topic to tackle.
There are so many things you can learn through research. But the most important thing of all is the strategies for an effective marketing communication that you might get through research.

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Erikson’s Stages and Psychological Issues of Adolescense

During adolescence, peer groups often become the most dominant socialization force next to family. Teens need the sense of membership and belonging and they can find it when they are with their peers. With a particular group, they learn to have satisfying relationships with others and more importantly they develop their self-identity.1 However, there are also some negative aspects of being in peer groups. Being closely attached to the group might cause them a lot of stress especially if they could not handle it well or if they are misguided. In general, the peer pressure on male teens relate to qualities that are traditionally masculine. For females, they tend to become more concerned with being popular and also with the physical appearance. These norms may create conflict between peer (people usually of same age, which they consider as friends) and parental messages resulting to further confusion and stress.2 Most adolescents find it hard to decide whether they follow their parents or their friends.

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This study is a case presentation the principal issues of memory loss and neuropathy. A 74-year-old patient is used as a respondent for the study. The patient is a retired attorney. He is single and separated from his family. He doesn’t smoke but he enjoys drinking alcoholic beverages. In his current age he found out he could no longer do most of the things he used to do like playing tennis. Several symptoms have been noticed such as deformation of both his hands, and “strange feelings” in the soles of his feet when walking.

His alcohol intake has become to close to addiction. He drunk much anytime of the day. He barely even had a hang over. When his drunk the whole evening, he’s fine the next morning.

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He Loves Him, She Loves Her

If two people are in love with each other, they should have the full pledge of their love through marriage. Legalization of same-sex marriage will give same-sex couples enjoy the full benefit of a "true couple".

Canadian Court finally legalized same-sex marriage in 2005. Before this approval, still a lot of same-sex couples had already married in the country. With this civil marriage act, the couples could fully enjoy being married like those of man-woman couples. It also allows them to take advantage of the legal benefits a real married couple.

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Same-Sex Marriage in Canada

Every couple has the right to enjoy of being in love. If marriage is the only thing that could fully nourish the couple’s love, regardless of gender, let them savor the glory of their love. If two people of the same sex want to marry, it would be another story. There would be many arguments about this. For instance the sanctity of marriage becomes less valued. Throughout the history, more than just a commitment or a duty, marriage is a religious ceremony of the unity of a man and a woman to establish a family. The family, consisting of a father and a mother then is the building block of a community.

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